Sending Users Data

Use /samples endpoint to sync users' data with our API. You will need to split data points (samples) into batches of 1000 elements in size. It's okay to send such batches in parallel. Considering that you'll be sending us numerous batches, we recommend that you create a system to track samples that have already been submitted. As an example, the simplest method to accomplish this is by sending batches in chronological order and keeping a record of the most recent synchronized batch for each device.

POST /api/v1.1/samples


Request Body

Each Sample in the data field must follow the following structure:

curl -X 'POST' 'https://<api-proxy-hostname>/api/v1.1/samples' \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -d '{
       "data_type": "steps",
       "data": [
           "device_name": "iPhone",
           "device_version": "17.0.3",
           "start_date": "2023-11-01T08:04:51.000+04:00",
           "end_date": "2023-11-01T08:04:58.000+04:00",
           "value": 14,
           "unit": "count"
           "device_name": "iPhone",
           "device_version": "17.0.3",
           "start_date": "2023-11-01T09:47:21.000+04:00",
           "end_date": "2023-11-01T09:47:34.000+04:00",
           "value": 24,
           "unit": "count"

See the full example in the json-file below:

Last updated